Thank you for checking out our Lost Ark Wardancer PvE Guide! The Wardancer may be bold in her moves, but she is still relatively weak to damage from enemies attacking from the back will lower the odds of getting hit. Level 25: Wind's Whisper (48 points) for Damage. Outside of gaming, I like watching meaningful movies and reading sci-fi and dystopian books. To level quickly, focus on doing Main Story Quest with some exceptions. It can even be the first move in your combo before you burst with your Buff & Debuffs.Every time you see an opportunity, make sure to use your Awakening: Fist of Dominance with Winds Whisper and Blast Formation for maximum damage possible. Not merely masters of martial arts, wardancers augment their lightning-quick fighting skills with elemental power. During burst windows use your high damage dealing skills. These warriors dance on the battlefield with great mobility and deal combo damage with their. Once youve unlocked Call of the Wind God you Max it to Lvl10 As soon as possible, this is your big damage skill that you can use for killing bosses and big groups of enemies. Swap out the Tier 2 Tripod of Moon Flash Kick with Single Strike for bursting dungeon bosses. Good passive damage for extra damage that you can use alongside other skills. Speed - Fast delivery speed is the key to satisfying players. For the First Intention Engraving, reaching Level 3 would be the goal to significantly boost your overall damage. Because there are uncertainties in-game transactions, such as network connection errors, server maintenance, etc. By the time your Lost Ark Wardancer reaches Level 60, you will have unlocked a total of 18 skills comprised of Normal, Esoteric, and Awakening Skills. However, with this build we'll be ignoring that. Jeijei is a professional Researcher and Writer based in Cape Town, South Africa. Check out the Esoteric Skill Enhancement Wardancer for an alternative Wardancer playstyle. RELATED: Lost Ark: How Long Does It Take To Reach Max Level? Our Wardancer Lost Ark class guide covers everything you need to know about this Martial Artist subclass, including its overall role in the team, its strengths and weaknesses, some tips, and more. As for the price, you will get Lost Ark on Steam for $14.99. Gold is amongst the most critical resources you can obtain in Lost Ark mainly because it can be used to purchase various in-game items on the auction house. As always we cast Energy Combustion before getting to the boss assuming you know its location from using a flare, this way it will burst when you get to the boss. Check out the Guardian Raids and Abyssal Dungeons guides for an introduction to their content. We recommend you use Wide Hit, Impaired Mobility, and Fatal Wave tripods with the skill. During the leveling process, focus on equipping the highest Item Level gear while prioritizing the Crit and Specialization Combat Stats to increase your damage and clear speed. Compared with other sellers on the Internet, as an experienced third-party game service provider, MMOWTS has many advantages that constitute the website's competitiveness. While Energy Combustion is active, you can use other skills. The Wardancer can build her power gauge and then unleash high-powered special abilities. Keep your character moving at great speed, and you will be able to dodge their attacks while also dealing massive damage. This Lost Ark Wardancer Raid Build Guide features the the playstyles offered by different engravings, what accessory stats to look for, and a list of recommended skills to . This is a great tradeoff since you can simply focus on Normal Skills and auto attacks rather than managing your Esoteric Meter as well. Lost Ark is more than a simple multiplayer hack-and-slash game; this is often a full-fledged MMORPG having a large world map for more information and plenty to try and do besides following the main story, which says the game world is now being invaded by demons, with random chaos gates which are used to cross as well as work as open world events called World Class Crisis, where players ought to fight together to defeat the invaders. can replace in this 5x3 setup. She also has a Class Engraving, which improves the damage dealt by her Normal Skills at the expense of rendering Esoteric Skills unusable. Gems:For cooldown Gems, we are choosing both our Buff/Debuff skills Winds Whisper and Roar of Courage to make sure they come up faster for more burst windows, alongside with our big damage skills. You're going to be focusing on packing decent bursts with fast punches and high kicks, but most importantly provide a variety of great synergy buffs to your party, earning you the title of the . Set up 2 skill presets for your Chaos Dungeon/Cube and Raid builds below in the Endgame section. Always squish in a lot of Basic Attacks while waiting for cooldown, A LOT OF IT!Sky Shattering Blow should be spammed everytime its up to apply bleed on the boss, but try to time it with other skills since it has a 3 sec damage buff. Note that only Grudge if you can get Lvl3 Grudge. Whats more is Wardancers are a squishy class, which makes it more essential to upgrade their mobility. During skill downtime, hold down the movement button while tapping basic attack repeatedly to perform a basic attack cancel. So while youre collecting it, use Lost Wind Cliff set for the meantime. Class Engravings provide powerful benefits that can significantly change playstyle. Simultaneously she has one of the lowest cooldown and fastest animation Counter Attacks Sky Shattering Blow in Lost Ark. Delivers a series of painful punches to deal great damage. Writer based in Glasgow, UK. This often leads to mana issues in the early game which can be countered by a Bard's mana regen buff. The best Call of the Wind God Tripods to select are Growth Attack and Raging Storms. Level 30-31: Lightning Kick (48 points) for Damage and mobility. Sky Shattering Blow is a good skill to momentarily paralyze Normal monsters and to send them flying into the air thanks to Ascension Kick. Between the Esoteric Skill Enhancement and First Intention Class Engravings, the latter is heavily used in endgame because of the amount of damage you deal even if you sacrifice using Esoteric Skills altogether. Wardancer Leveling Guide When it comes to leveling up the Wardancer class in Lost Ark, the entire process can be somewhat straightforward and fast. Her single target attacks can do wonders with the right approaches and playstyles. Energy Combustion is also important to reduce the damage you take. Source: MMOWTS. In between cooldowns of Roar of Courage and Winds Whisper you can poke with whatever skill you have ready. When it comes to leveling up the Wardancer class in Lost Ark, the entire process can be somewhat straightforward and fast. This build would be better suited to players who want their Wardancer to unleash massive bursts of damage using Esoteric Skills. The Wardancer relies on punchy combos and mobility, and her skills are Back Attacks which will demand more precise positioning, although an accurate attack has the potential to inflict some catastrophic damage. Leveling Wardancer Build Guide for PvE Build required skill points: 356 Wardancer has great damage in the very early game, she got a variety of skills that can be a single target or AoE. Allocate Skill Points to find Skill Tree for the most potent Skills. The Wardancer is a master of elements, utilizing their power to buff allies and deliver devastating blows. The Wardancer is able to select eight skills to be on their action bar alongside their and Awakening skills. Wait for the cooldowns of Roar of Courage and Winds Whisper before using your Esoteric Skills. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. This is the Lost Ark Wardancer Guide for Leveling. 5. Conversely, Strikers focus on building energy to deal maximum damage. But, there are quite a few differences to note throughout gameplay, many of which concern her abilities and skills. This build would set the Wardancers Esoteric Skills aside, opting to take advantage of maximized normal attack rotations for consistent damage. Lost Ark Build Guides First Intention Wardancer Raid Build Guide. Sky Shattering Blow is nice for Attack Gems too since it a skill that you can spam. Additionally this skill has a long uptime and deals consistent damage to the enemy. To be able to use Winds Whisper more frequently, its good to invest in Quick Prep to decrease the skills cooldown. Sleeping Ascent Celebration (20 points) for mobility and AoE damage. Everytime you see an opportunity, make sure to use your Awakening: Fist of Dominance with Winds Whisper and Blast Formation for maximum damage possible.Note: Try to always do back attacks if you can.EngravingsThis is arranged in order of which one is the most important to the least. Lightning Kick Unlocked at Combat Level 10. Reaper can cycle through three modes of combat: Normal, Persona, and Chaos. Swiftness will increase your overall Attack Power, Movement Speed and decreases Skills Cooldown. For the Lost Ark Wardancer, its the Esoteric Identity, allowing them to use special skills known as Esoteric Skills, which are strong and overwhelming damage abilities that consume 1-2 orbs. If you don't like dominion as a whole, give 3 spender hallu a shot. So here is our tip: during high-level endgame content you will spend your time, well, not doing much at all. Skill Tree levels go up to 5 and each level can increase the damage, cooldown reduction or buff that they provide. Sky Shattering Blow Unlocked at Combat Level 10. A very powerful kick to deal lethal damage and to push enemies (who arent immune) away from you. If you prefer better damage, then you ought to stick with the Dangerous Deal Tripod. Also, focus on Swiftness for even more movement speed (especially if you choose the First Intention Awakening Skill), as well as reduced casting time and faster skill cooldowns. Unleash roundhouse kicks to attack in multiple directions. With nearly 20 classes announced, a tripod system that enables complex . That would be it for our Lost Ark Wardancer PVP Guide! Chaos & Cube Skill Build 3. First Intention is by far the more popular Engraving. The idea is basically pick skills with wide AOEs or skills that can charge your Esoteric Orbs to cast your Big Damage AOE Esoteric Skills. The go-to source for comic and superhero movie fans. Makes use of a devastating tornado to attack enemies over a period of time. The Guardian Raids are regularly impressive and require some type of teamwork to make the creature down, along with awareness of your surroundings and the items which can be used.