Download our posters that illustrate our six kindness concepts. The name may give it all away. Overall, making kids aware of the importance of being kind and doing simple acts of kindness will pave way for the existence of better individuals in the future. Have a short errand to run? This Learning & School item is sold by SmallThingsandGifts. By including a focus on equity, teacher self-care, and digital citizenship, we are excited to share a more engaging, relatable, and inclusive curriculum. Your email address will not be published. Kindness exists all around uswe just need to start looking. Kids can gently move them to a safe spot on the porch. Ships from Albuquerque, NM. Opening or holding a door is one of the most straightforward and recognized acts of kindness. For each act of kindness witnessed, the children will complete a Kindness coupon for the person who was kind and the coupon is attached to the wall/chart. Please use the above graphics without alteration. We follow a simple framework for everything we do: Inspire, Empower, Act, Reflect and Share. Thats great news, but it doesnt stop there. Be kind to your family. Have your child pick out a few of the seasons best toys and donate them to a local childrens hospital. Put their love of tech to good use by having them text a funny meme to a family member. Kindness is teachable. Utilization and adoption of these national standards and competencies vary by state, however, teachers can align their own state standards with each lesson as well. Nearly everyone has a painful memory of eating alone in the school cafeteria. Many kids are kept out of playing sports because they cant afford the necessary equipment, while other children have garages full of old equipment they no longer use. Even the busiest of people are able to take a moment and Kindness in the Classroom gives students a safe environment to discuss emotions and ethical/moral views with an educated and trusted adult. The This decor bundle includes 16 of our most popular classroom organization and decoration products.You save 30% on each individual resource by purchasing this bundle. Includes note template, ready to print in color or black and white! Head over to download now! The cover boasts the quote, 'Kindness is the opportunity that we all have everyday to change the world.' Walk dogs at the animal shelter. For example, give gently used clothing to a shelter for families, make a donation, or volunteer together. You can also do this random act of kindness in many other places, from the playground to the parking lot to the beach. Throughout history, leaders have encouraged acts of random kindness or compassion. We were looking for a curriculum that would help increase prosocial behaviors and we have definitely seen the benefit to our community while using Kindness in the Classroom. The curriculum has been rated excellent by the Equity Project based on this report. THE CURRICULUM IS COMPLETELY FREE OF CHARGE. Hand-draw birthday or holiday cards for nursing home residents. Download our new poster featuring 25 ways to be kind at home, at work or at school. Take a pine cone, cover it in peanut butter, roll it in birdseed, and hang it from a nearby tree. You can even make a game out of finding people to Reading Logs for a Full Year. Print this fun Kindness Tracker for kids to color each time they do something kind for a friend or family member! Random Acts of Kindness Ideas For Kids Ideas include mediation, tai chi, homemade gifts, nature crafting, being a superstar sibling plus ways to connect with When your child isn't looking, add their name to the notes and hide them around the house for them to discover. Let us know if you have questions that aren't covered below. All bulletin board pieces (excluding chart paper) are included for easy set up! Here's how it works: Kindness in the Classroom lessons teach kindness skills through a step-by step framework of Share, Inspire, Empower, Act, and Reflect. The training (and the curriculum) is fun and will benefit anyone who participates because all the activities and information are based on scientific research. Is your childs friend working on a project for school, or a special gift for a family member? one easy price. 1995-2023 The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation. Celebrate the day with smiles and random acts of kindness. Hello there! And what does everyone want to do after doing something that feels great (besides do it again')? Help with yard work. Our gratitude calendar is an INSTANT DOWNLOAD printable, you get one 8.5 x 11 file in both JPG and PDF plus two bonus coloring pages. Making someones bed is a small kindness that can make a big difference in their day. Kindness rocks are fun and easy to make. These simple acts of kindness can be completed whenever, in order or out of order. Kids can be more polite than we often expect them to be. Kids love making and decorating cookies. 134 Ideas for Random Acts of Kindness 1. Who doesnt love getting a high five after a job well done? ), so your childs kind deed could make a big difference. Do not speak anything if you dont have anything good to say. Inspiration is goodbut transformation begins to happen when students are given the tools that will let them act on that inspiration. Practicing random acts of kindness with kids teaches them to grow up as compassionate people. (Print additional charts to complete as needed!) To empathize with people who are different? Once the jar is full, the entire class celebrates with a special treat or party. Kindness in the Classroom is being implemented in 35 elementary schools (K-5) with a total of over 11,000 students over a five year period between 2017 and 2022. Nothing cheers up a grandparent like seeing the sweet face of their grandchild. WebKindness at school 1. Make up a parcel for a homeless person*. Make a bookmark for your aunty/uncle and pop it in the post. Buy flowers. Ask your child what kindness means to them, and encourage them to write a pleasant note to someone speciala new classmate, a friend, or a teacher's aide are all great choices. Each unit teaches six core kindness concepts: Respect, Caring, Inclusiveness, Integrity, Responsibility, and Courage. Interactive Word Wall. We think our curriculum is pretty greatbut of course, we would. The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation has taken our highly effective, evidence-based Kindness in the Classroom social emotional learning curriculum and only made it better. Then have a conversation about how everyone has the power to make the world more beautiful. Organize a small fundraiser for a favorite charity. Also included in:Social Skills Growing Mega Bundle, Also included in:Building Community through Valentine's Day Activities Bundle, Also included in:Whole Shop GROWING BUNDLE - Everything in our shop for 40% OFF + FREE UPDATES, Also included in:Holidays Around the World Crafts | Christmas Activities | Winter Holidays, Also included in:Character Trait Challenges PBIS BUNDLE. Even very young kids can help pick up trash, stack chairs, put away supplies, or whatever their teacher needs. Newspapers, packages, and other items often get left at the end of the driveway or on lawns, and that puts them at risk of getting soggy or stolen. Kindness might be catching. This idea stresses the importance of positive words. Donate your talents 7. Great to don during antibullying month (October) and Random Acts of Kindness Week (February), kindwear is the fun way to show that your students are proud to be kind. Our Kindness in the Classroom program was created to integrate intentional kindness skill building with the development of social and emotional competencies. Woudl any of you think passing it on yto your childs teacher might be useful for RAOK week or wold kindness day perhaps? Download your copy now and start the school year off right with KINDNESS! It is a beautiful ift idea and inspires kids to be motivated by kindness each and every day rather than just once in a while. Plan an activity for a younger grade level. Make your classroom giggle with these school-friendly Easter jokes for kids about eggs, bunnies, and more. Have your child make and send a get-well card to a loved one who isnt feeling well, or make a batch to drop off at the local hospital. Yes! Our students are really excited to focus on kindness. We foster the love for reading by reading to our kids each evening before bed. Our handy guide with tips on how to start a kindness club at your school. But when it comes to kindness parents are absolutely unified. Turn it into a bike ride and show kindness to the planet by keeping the car at home. When you serve others you get to connect with people and strengthen your social skills and relationships. So easy to print and laminate for quick use year after year!These cards are included in BOTH 2.5" square and 3" square sizes in this resource!A list of included cards is below, but fee free to email me at team@livepin, 8 Random Acts of Kindness for the month of OctoberIncludes:*Challenge #1 - National Teacher Day (Oct. 5th) - Write a note to a previous teacher telling them what you missed or enjoyed most about their class and them as a teacher. Display this poster to help build a culture of kindness in your classroom or home. You may be aware we have a workplace calendar and a general calendar with kindness ideas, but we decided to create a calendar with an education theme! Listen to your friends and teachers when they talk. Download and print these bookmarks to keep your place in your next book. Random Acts of Kindness Day, which is designated to encourage acts of generosity big and small, is an opportunity to do just that, and teachers may get a boost by letting students know that their peers in other countries have the same goal. Or else, you can create a ritual of Random Acts of Kindness Challenge Month/Week, and choose activities to do on those days. Yesterday she was grateful for sunshine, fig bars, and Grandma. There are so many acts of kindness that kids can do! Help your child engage their kindness superpowers today! Read a story to a friend. Have your students use our There is a mix of whole group and small group lessons that focus on one of our six kindness concepts: Respect, Caring, Inclusiveness, Integrity, Responsibility, and Courage. Teaching kindness really does make a difference! Teach your child to look for those who may be left out and kindly invite them to eat with them or join them at their table. You feel less isolated when you are active. Write a letter to someone. How long are the lessons and how much preparation is needed? Here is a quick overview video to help you get acquainted. Much of the training is focused on self-care for youthe educator. WebGiving ideas on how to spread kindness is always a great idea! Its a creative act of kindness thats sure to inspire some smiles. What about the ability to communicate your feelings and needs? Instead of making kindness just another rule, what if we showed kids that it's a superpower that makes both themselves and others feel good? Related: 25 basic good manners to teach your kids. Included inside are beautifully presented, time-saving posters, desk charts and editable labels.Recourse included: Editable labels in various shapes and sizesGrowth Mindset bulletin board displayEditable Growth Mindset desk name tags Kindness Desk Name PlatesInteractive Place Value, 100th day of school fun resource pack for elementary students.Includes:- Coloring pages- 100 drawing/writing activities- Find and count the hidden 100s- Hundreds chart activities- Skip counting to 100 by 2s, 5s, and 10s- 100 acts of kindness- 100 exercises - Dalmation writing and craftivity- I can read 100 sight words (Fry)- 100th day crowns- 100th day student certificates, 100 Acts of Kindness + Friendship Chart - Positive Behaviour Reward Tracker, 100 Acts of Kindness Chart, Worksheet, Color, Shapes, Manners, Love, 4 Designs, 100 Acts of Kindness (Ice Cream Themed Chart), 100 Acts of Kindness Challenge and Craftivity Perfect for Valentine's Day, Building Community through Valentine's Day Activities Bundle, NSD2303 Acts of Kindness Editable Mini Incentive Charts, 100 Random Acts of Kindness for Hundred Day, Monthly Random Acts of Kindness Challenge Pack, 31 Days of Kindness Calendar | Random Acts of Kindness | Gratitude Calendar. Discussing gratefulness can be an eye-opening (and profound) experience for a child. Whole Shop GROWING BUNDLE - Everything in our shop for 40% OFF + FREE UPDATES, October Random Acts of Kindness Challenge Pack, Santa Lucia/ Saint Lucia Activities | Digital and Print | Google and Seesaw, Holidays Around the World Crafts | Christmas Activities | Winter Holidays, World Smile Day activities literacy activity, math activity, random act of kindn. We invite you to share your feedback with us at Even more resources to help you teach kindness to your kids. Smile. "RAK", "RAKtivist", "Kindness in the Classroom", "Kindness Starts With One", "Random Acts of Kindness Day", "Make Kindness The Norm" and "Kind Times" are trademarks or registered trademarks of The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation. We Owls read with dread about random acts of violence. Random Acts of Kindness . Read about other schools & districts who've seen great success using our curriculum. I also have three new children's books available on Amazon, and through your local bookstore.1. Even very young children enjoy stacking containers and matching things by size and shape. Many community gardens and nature centers offer packets of local seeds or at least suggestions of what to plant. On Wednesdays, they find a random act of kindness to perform, and on Thursdays, they focus on self-care by doing something that makes them feel good about themselves. Just wonderful. You c, Encourage Acts of Kindness with this cute poster, tracking chart, and postcard set. Weve also got plenty ofkindness memes and kindness quotes to put you in the right frame of mind. Teaching social emotional competencies, at a universal level, is one of the primary goals within our Comprehensive Student Support Model in Colorado Springs District 11. A set of fun (and free) printables to inspire kindness wherever you are. "We want him to instinctively treat all people with dignity, never jump to conclusions about someone because of their circumstances, and to never look down on someone unless he is helping them up.". But research shows that there are many health benefits to being kind. Spreading kindness can be challenging, but it is always worth the effort. Smile at the new student and talk first to him, Write a thank you note or give a thank you card to your teacher, Bake cookies and distribute them in class, Bring extra snacks to school to share with friends, Help put sports equipment away after play, Say something nice if you like your friends new haircut, Tell your friend he worked hard when he does well in his studies or sports, Stand up for your friendwhen they face bullying or other hardships at school, Encourage and cheer for your friend when he is struggling, Say hi to someone who seems alone and talk to them, Share your school supplies if a classmate forgets it, Console a friend who lost a family member, Offer to teach friends something they dont know, Visit a local animal shelter and volunteer, Buy and give pet food to a local animal shelter, Collect money and buy school supplies for an orphanage, Donate to a good cause no matter how small the amount is. What a wonderful way to celebrate the love in our world as we lead up to Valentines Day, yet can be done all year round too. Sample-sized toothpaste, shampoo, and deodorant can be put in a small Ziploc bag along with a toothbrush, comb, Band-Aids, and other sundry items. The 'empower' step is for teachers to lead the class through discussions designed to empower students to find ways to be kind in their daily lives. Also included in:Just for fun seasonal holiday celebrations! Burlap Classroom Decor. Some teachers have gone beyond with projects and ideas outside of the curriculum to embed the concepts into their schools. Show kindness to tired retail workers by hanging up a few. Have your students use our. The list below is packed with thoughtful and clever kind gestures. It should be used first as a way to introduce the character trait. According to a CASEL (the Collaborative for Academic and Social and Emotional Learning) study, 93% of teachers believe its important to teach SELand 95% of them believe it can be taught. Web60+ Printable Random Acts of Kindness Ideas for Kids: Create a Habit of Kindness Raising Kids One Surefire Way to Stop Entitlement and Raise Kind Kids Inside: Learn 60+ printable random acts of kindness ideas for kids. Here are five simple ways to bring both planned and totally random gestures of decency to your classroom on the day itself and well beyond. You are being kind to others just because you want to. Have your students use our Hello These quick and easy Easter math activities and math center ideas bring spring into the classroom and can be holiday focused or not! If they dont want to pick a dandelion, they can always give their friends other types of flowers. Leverage students excitement for apps to encourage kindness. Our hand-picked collection of kindness-themed books used in our lessons. For more info check our privacy policy where you will get more info on where, how and why we store your data. This reinforces what they've learned and experienced, helps others to experience it and makes it far more likely that they'll express kindness again! Environmentally-Friendly. Encourage your kids to share toys with their friends so everyone can join in on the fun. Empower your teachers and improve learning outcomes. Staff, parents and students are really seeing a difference. Leave a positive note All Rights Reserved. 15. Obviously it is no longer lockdown but all these ideas are still super useful and valid. Ships from Albuquerque, NM. The day before that it was puddles to jump in.". *Challenge #2 - World Smile Day (Oct. 5th) - Create Smile posters and go on a smile walk around the block. We do not use books in lesson plans for grades 4, 6, 7 or 8. ), 18 signs of bad parenting (and the bad effects) youd wish you had known sooner, 101 questions to ask kids for fun and to promote resilience and critical thinking, 10 positive parenting skills every parent must have, Doing random acts of kindness makes you feel good about yourself and happier. Kids can write letters, draw pictures, and/or make care packages for the men and women who sacrifice so much to protect us every day. (download video here if you can't access YouTube) If you arent an educator, consider using it (with a few tweaks) where you work. John Davis. Spoiler alert: it works! Grade levels: pre-K5, Leverage students excitement for apps to encourage kindness. Pick a local teacher, cashier, bus driver, or other worker who helps you and your child on a regular basis and write them a sweet thank-you note. Have a short errand to run? We chose Kindness in the Classroom for many reasons including the fact that it had strong research behind it showing improved culture and student outcomes. The elementary and middle school programs were designed differently with the needs of those children and schools in mind. . Celebrating St. Patrick's Day in the classroom calls for fun STEM activities, writing challenges, and more all designed by teachers! Parenting can be very divisive many of us take different paths from each other and emphasize different qualities we would like our kids to develop. A simple hello could lead to a million smiles. All documents are in color and black and white. Spend the day making snowmen outside of nursing homes. These acts can be small or large and can have a significant impact on the person or people receiving them, as well as the person performing the act. (That goes for you, too!) Eco-friendly random acts of kindness Ride a bike instead of driving. You can even make a game out of finding people to thank together. (new Image()).src = ''; cnxps.cmd.push(function () { cnxps({ playerId: "38cf8a01-c7b4-4a61-a61b-8c0be6528f20" }).render("6ea159e3e44940909b49c98e320201e2"); }); Learning how to give a kind, sincere compliment is a skilland now is the perfect time for your child to practice. Lots of people posted in our local group saying they had found them and it had brightened their day. Check out our research for more information on the benefits of teaching kindness, CASEL: The Impact of Enhancing Student's Social & Emotional Learning, Read about our approach to teaching kindness & the Kindness Framework here, complete an initial Implementation Assessment. Guaranteed to cheer everyones spirits, Ideas for random acts of kindness for kids, My own book Create Your Own Kindness is a well being activity book for kids aged six to 12. Hold the door open for your teacher or headteacher. 65 Random Acts of Kindness for World Kindness Day 2022 and Beyond 1. Whats more rewarding than seeing you have raised warm-hearted, kind people who are of help to others? This pack comes in both printable and interactive digital versions. You cannot claim it or its elements a. One of the priorities at Rocky Top Middle School has always been to intentionally address the social emotional needs of staff and students in order to increase academic achievement and maintain a positive climate and culture throughout the building. Send paper thank you notes 8. Make a thank you note to your parents /carers. We create a common language between schools, work and home with all of our resources. 20. Browse by curriculum code or learning area. However, last year was the first time we changed the structure of the master schedule to ensure delivery of direct instruction in the area of social emotional learning. Republished 20 years later with a foreword by Bishop Desmond Tutu, the book is a good start for elementary school teachers looking to implement random acts of kindness in the classroom. Make a dogs day (and their owners too!) Kindness in the Classroom is designed to pro-actively build healthy relationships among students and a culture of kindness within your school. I have Mia Appreciation Day for my wife. How much does Kindness in the Classroom cost? You can use it as an opportunity to discuss the importance of taking care of our environment in small but impactful ways. It shows how considerate you are to everyone around you, Give a cold drink to a handyman who repaired something at your home, Pick up your neighbors newspaper when they are away. At the end of each lesson and project, students will have experienced how great it feels to perform acts of kindness. This is a big one in my family. 102.Learn to say hello in different languages to different people. Hold the door open for the person behind you whose hands are full.Allow the shopper in the grocery line move ahead of you if you only have a few items and their cart is full.Check on an elderly neighbor or shut-in.Donate your old clothes to charity.Tape change to a parking meter or vending machine.More items