A. Although safety experts demanded more discipline from Russian pilots, there was no silver bullet which would instill it, and there never has been. At that point the spin finally stopped, and the nose came up to the horizon. ago That was a pretty bad decision 5 uselessartist 18 min. Full power! At 13:39 UTC already after dark in Moscow flight 593 took off from Sheremetyevo Airport and climbed to its cruising altitude of 10,100 meters, approximately 33,300 feet. Go to the left, turn to the left!. Aeroflot Flight 593 was a Moscow-Hong Kong passenger service operated by Aeroflot - Russian International Airlines, flown with an Airbus A310-300, that crashed into a hillside of the Kuznetsk Alatau mountain range, Kemerovo Oblast, Russia, on 23 March 1994. Aeroflot Flight 593. Hold it, hold the column, hold it! Kudrinsky shouted at both Piskaryov and Eldar. Families of western victims placed flowers on the crash site, while families ofChinesevictims scattered pieces of paper with messages written on them around the crash site. The plane ascending in this position somehow? topic's main category. Five people were thus on the flight deck: Kudrinsky, co-pilot Piskaryov, Kudrinsky's children Eldar and Yana,and another pilot, Vladimir Makarov, who was flying as a passenger. Turn right! Eldar, get out! Kudrinsky shouted at his son. Le vol TAROM 371 est un vol entre l'aroport international Henri Coand de Bucarest et l'aroport de Bruxelles, assur par un Airbus A310 qui s'est cras prs de Baloteti en Roumanie le 31 mars 1995.. L'avion s'est cras peu de temps aprs le dcollage. The relief pilot Yaroslav Vladimirovich Kudrinsky's children - his 16-year-old son Eldar and his 12-year-old daughter Yana - were also among the passengers. United Airlines Flight 93 was a passenger flight that was hijacked by four al-Qaeda terrorists on board, as part of the September 11 attacks. This news leaked to the press almost immediately, but in incomplete form, and all sorts of wild rumors ensued, with various newspapers claiming that the pilots had left the cockpit entirely with the children at the controls, that Makarov the pilot riding as a passenger had intervened in an unsuccessful attempt to save the plane, and even that Eldar Kudrinsky was under the influence of prescription medications. It's a great supplement to this post. The aircraft crashed into the Kuznetsk Alatau mountain range in Kemerovo Oblast, killing everyone on board. For me, it's JAL123. This is what occurred on March 23, 1994 aboard Aeroflot Flight 593, an Airbus A310 flying from Moscow to Hong Kong. Although the planes were purchased new from the factory, the A310 was hardly Airbuss latest model. Furiously working the controls, Kudrinsky managed to stabilize their roll angle at 20 degrees left, and together the pilots started to pull the plane out of the dive, from 90 degrees nose down to just 20. He turned his controls hard to the left, and the wings rolled level, pulling the plane out of its spiral. Within seconds, they had decelerated to just 99 knots, far too slowly to maintain flight. Gently, gently I said!. The Russian commission investigating the crash in Siberia has yet to announce its official findings, but it did say Saturday that tapes from the plane's "black box" recorder show that guests were. Go ahead, take the controls., As Yana lightly placed her hands on the control column, her father stood between the pilots seats, reaching for the autopilot control panel, and switched the autopilots lateral control mode from NAV to heading select.. Best time to beat the crowds with an average 4% drop in price. 21K views, 269 likes, 10 loves, 19 comments, 36 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from JustA Regret: Air Crash Investigations - S03 E10 . On the 23rd of March 1994, an Aeroflot A310 bound for Hong Kong suddenly plunged from the sky in the middle of the night, tearing a horrific scar across a snowbound forest in the depths of Siberia. This design feature was not intended to be used in normal flight. In response to the stall, an automated system known as the alpha floor protection kicked in, pushing the nose down to decrease the angle of attack. with this post, location or person. Seeing them there, anger melts into sadness. Contents 1 Background 1.1 Aircraft In a nearly flat attitude and with a descent rate of -13,800 feet per minute, Aeroflot flight 593 slammed into the side of a snow-covered mountain, ripping a terrible swath through the darkened forest. Hold the control column2275 '''Makarov:''' The speed 2276 '''Piskaryov:''' The other way!2277 '''Kudrinsky:''' To the left! Never pay the full price, join the Saudi Coupon Codes group and get sales updates and discount codes in one place. Have we lost the route? Kudrinsky asked. This would play an important role later, as Piskaryov failed to prepare to take control of the plane, should it become necessary most notably by leaving his seat at its rearmost position, where he couldnt reach some of the controls. The Airbus A310 operating the flight had earlier arrived from London with several connecting passengers, but the second leg of the journey was lightly booked, with just 63 passengers on board, including numerous businessmen and several off-duty Aeroflot employees. | Get out, Eldar, get out Get out, Eldar, get out, get out get out [gasping] get out Get out, I say! The New York Timesalso stated that an analysis by an aviation expert published inRossiiskiye Vestisupported that analysis. Numerous Russian aviation officials gave statements to the media based on wild, unfounded speculation which strained the credulity of international observers. I gave power, I gave it! Kudrinsky yelled. Captain Danilov and First Officer Piskaryov were at the controls, and would remain so for the next couple of hours. In response, Eldar held his control column in the neutral position, while Piskaryov attempted to bank back to the left. At the same time, the autopilot's display screen went blank. DNA: Labor lynching video turned out to be fake, DNA: 'Supreme' decision on appointment of EC, DNA: Famous writer Anant Pai passed away on this day in the year 2011, DNA: For the first time in the year 1886, Aluminum was made in the laboratory, Aeroflot Flight 593 was a Airbus A310-304, 63 passengers as well as 12 crew members died in the accident. In the former Soviet Union, however, it was a revolutionary technological leap. Analyzer of plane crashes. This caused theflight computerto switch the plane'saileronsto manual control while maintaining control over the other flight systems. If they had, then the outcome might have been very different. The plane turned over again into another dive, accelerating alarmingly. Even though Yaroslav Kudrinsky committed an act of great recklessness, we understand why he did it. He might also have been motivated by pride in the A310, unable to resist awing an impressionable audience with the Airbuss advanced technology. The A310 disintegrated utterly, spewing debris out into the night at tremendous speed amid a great flash of fire. ''2334 '''Piskaryov:''' Full power! Most popular time to fly with an average 13% increase in price. Le vol Air Florida 90, assur par un Boeing 737-222 de la compagnie amricaine Air Florida, s'est abm dans les eaux geles du fleuve Potomac Washington (DC), le 13 janvier 1982 aprs avoir heurt un pont au-dessus du fleuve juste aprs son dcollage de l'aroport national de Washington en Virginie et alors que la rgion subissait une svre tempte de neige. >Deadliest single aircraft aviation accident in history. Flying these planes was the responsibility of an elite cadre of fewer than two dozen pilots, selected to be the first in Russia to be trained abroad on Western aircraft. TheAssociated Presssaid that, according to the transcript, "the Russian crew almost succeeded in saving the plane". Piskaryov then managed to pull out of the dive, but over-corrected, putting the plane in an almost vertical ascent, again stalling the plane, which fell out of the sky into a corkscrew dive. The increasedg-forceson the pilots and crew made it extremely difficult for them to regain control. In February 1994, Aviation Week wrote: Western businessmen who have used the Russian carriers A310s said they were impressed with the level of service and professionalism of the crews. On 23 March 1994, theaircraftwas en route fromSheremetyevo International AirporttoKai Tak AirportinHong Kongwith 75 occupants aboard, of whom 63 were passengers. The plane, however, was stalling and entered into the corkscrew dive. . SpiceJet announces six flights to Bangkok from March 10, Know What Congress Leader Rahul Gandhi Says in Cambridge University in China, Jammu and Kashmir : Rahul Gandhi's statement on Pulwama attack. This is a standard feature of almost every autopilot, but on most Soviet models, force applied in any direction would disconnect both channels simultaneously. Here, the MAK turned its criticism on Airbus, calling into question the compliance of the design with Russian regulations, which required the engagement, disengagement, or change of mode of any autoflight system to be accompanied by a corresponding indication; and the International Civil Aviation Organizations guidelines, which stated that there should be an appropriate indication for any inadvertent change or disengagement of a mode. In the event, however, this partial disconnection was not accompanied by any sort of warning or indication, and in fact the autopilot mode display would have continued to suggest that NAV mode was active, even though it was not. In that position, he couldnt even reach the rudder pedals, and probably couldnt push the control column more than a few degrees toward nose down either. Dont turn right, the speed, I put some Kudrinsky said. All 44 souls on board were killed, including the four hijackers. MOSCOW (AP) _ ''Daddy, can I turn this?'' The cockpit tapes record a chilling scene: the pilot's children getting a flying lesson just before the Aeroflot jet crashed in Siberia, killing all 75 people aboard. A Brief History On March 23, 1994, one of the worst excuses for an airliner crash happened when an Aeroflot pilot allowed his 12 and 16-year-old children to play with the controls of the Airbus A310-300 that he was flying, resulting in a crash that killed all 75 people aboard! Contribute to chinapedia/wikipedia.en development by creating an account on GitHub. Contact me via @Admiral_Cloudberg on Reddit, @KyraCloudy on Twitter, or by email at kyracloudy97@gmail.com. Traveling at a blistering 420 knots, Piskaryov hauled back on his controls to recover from the dive, but the high-speed pull-out caused G-forces to skyrocket. The A310 division was marketed worldwide with emphasis on its friendly service, comfortable cabins, and experienced pilots, and after flights began in the second half of 1992, the reception was positive. Seconds later, the last flying pieces of wreckage came clattering to a stop, and quiet again descended over the Siberian wilderness, save only for the faint crackle of the flames. In the distance, the last lights of the Kuzbass mining region faded into a near-endless expanse of night-darkened mountains. This training made no mention of the fact that the autopilot could partially disconnect, nor was this clearly explained in the flight crew operations manual. No technical failure was detected. Good deal one-way. Having been allowed to do so at that time, the children visited their father in the cockpit early on in the flight. Aeroflot Flight 593 was a passenger flight from Sheremetyevo International Airport, Moscow, Russia, to Kai Tak Airport in Hong Kong. On 23 March 1994, the aircraft operating the route, an Airbus A310-304 flown by Aeroflot, crashed into the Kuznetsk Alatau mountain range in Kemerovo Oblast, killing all 63 passengers and 12 crew members on board. Here's the full video that shows the plane's flight path overlaid with the cockpit voice recording. The plane had vanished from their radar screens, and their calls to the flight were met with a dreaded, unending silence. On 23 March 1994, the aircraft operating the route, an Airbus A310-304 flown by Aeroflot, crashed into the Kuznetsk Alatau mountain range in Kemerovo Oblast, killing all 63 passengers and 12 crew members on board. Shortly after, the flight path indicator changed to show the new flight path of the aircraft as it turned. Events first began to drift away from the ordinary at 17:40, or 00:40 local time in Novokuznetsk, when relief Captain Kudrinsky opened the cockpit to some very important guests his children. On the 21st episode of PCPC, Michael and Tess focus on Aeroflot Flight 593, a scheduled flight from Sheremetyevo International Airport in Moscow to Kai Tak Airport in Hong Kong, on the night of March. While seated at the controls, the pilot's son had unknowingly disengaged the A310'sautopilotcontrol of the aircraft'sailerons. They were still falling rapidly, but the rate of descent was starting to decrease as they pulled out of the dive. The relief pilot had two children (a boy aged 16 and a girl aged 12), and both of them were flying with him inside the cockpit! Aeroflot flight 593 was a flight from Moscow to Hong Kong. Credit: Dmitry Erokhin / Alamy Stock Photo It took the three pilots just a few seconds to figure out what had happened, but in that time, the aircraft swerved at almost a 90-degree angle - a move that the Airbus A310 aircraft can't handle. First, his daughter Yana took the pilot's left front seat. Eldar cautiously applied about 10 kilograms of force, turning the wheel three or four degrees to the left. Within seconds, the angle of attack approached the stall threshold, and the airplane started to vibrate alarmingly. In fact, the level of aviation safety in Russia fell dramatically from late Soviet levels beginning in 1991, and did not begin to recover until approximately 2010. Investigators also criticized the training given to the pilots by Airbus during their transition to the A310. Aeroflots choice of aircraft ultimately hinged on the reality of the airlines route structure. The plane crashed at high vertical speed, estimated at 70m/s (14,000ft/min). The speed [unintelligible]2392 '''Piskaryov:''' There!2393 '''Kudrinsky:''' We'll get out of this. All 75 occupants died on impact. Aeroflot flight 593 The incident happened onboard an Aeroflot Airbus A310 aircraft on March 23rd 1993. Seven and a half minutes had passed, in which Yana and her father engaged in almost continuous conversation, before the girl left the captains seat to make way for her older brother Eldar. DNA: PM Modi's scathing attack on the opposition. After being kept under wraps for years by the KGB, the harrowing story of Aeroflot Flight 6502 finally emerged, showing how one man's foolishness killed 70 people. But this dream would prove tragically short. Because the control columns were linked, he could feel every input which Eldar made. Instead, he simply launched into his demonstration without telling Piskaryov anything. Aeroflot Flight 593 was a Moscow - Hong Kong passenger service operated by Aeroflot - Russian International Airlines, flown with an Airbus A310-300, that crashed into a hillside of the Kuznetsk Alatau mountain range, Kemerovo Oblast, Russia, on 23 March 1994. Statements. Category:Aeroflot Flight 593. 45 as a result of which it also caught fire. Aviation Safety Network accident ID. All 63 passengers and 12 crew members perished in the accident. EN. By switching from NAV mode to HDG/SEL mode, Kudrinsky temporarily switched off that pre-programmed track, allowing him to direct the autopilot to assume a particular magnetic heading. 310 pilot wife jamie. Although the pilots were able to recover, the aircraft had lost a lot of altitude by the time they had done so. In 1992, Russian flag carrier Aeroflot opened itself to the world with a fleet of newly purchased Airbus A310s, its first Western aircraft and the centerpiece of its effort to position itself as a modern airline and Russia as a modern country. (avg. EN RU CN DE ES. [1] [2] All 63 passengers and 12 crew perished in the accident. With their control columns positioned a few degrees right of center, and the autopilot no longer compensating, the plane slowly began to bank to the right, initially at a rate of about one degree per second. Within seconds, the airplane began to climb. The speed is high! Piskaryov exclaimed. As the pilots debated the reason for the turn, the planes bank angle increased past 45 degrees. What Happened on the Flight? Aeroflot Flight 593 fled from Moscow heading to Hong Kong and crashed in the mountain range of Russia. The pilot's seat was soon occupied by Eldar Kudrinsky, pilot's son and he was able to contradict the autopilot for 30 seconds unlike her sister after applying enough force to the control column. Gently! Piskaryov shouted. Although he tried to obey his fathers order, he was physically unable to move. The pilots tried to balance it again, but the altitude it had gained was out of recovery and thereby it crashed into the Kuznetsk Alatau mountain range. International Women's Day 2023: 3 Investment Options You Can Consider, Travelling to Thailand? As Kudrinsky threw himself back into his seat, Piskaryov rolled hard to the left against the right yaw, and the plane stalled, spun around, and flipped violently upside down, hurtling into a spiral dive. But this time Eldar was out of the loop: instead of letting the control column turn beneath his hands, he held it in place at three to five degrees right, causing the feedback force to increase as the autopilot tried to bank the other way. Note: VirtualGlobetrotting is an entertainment website is and is not associated The airplane operated on a flight from Moskva-Sheremetyevo Airport (SVO) to Hong Kong-Kai Tak International Airport (HKG). In the background, the cockpit voice recorder captured Kudrinsky conversing with Yana. This was probably because they believed the autopilot was engaged, and did not think the autopilot could do anything dangerous to the flight path, reducing their sense of urgency. Aeroflot Flight 593 was an accident on March 23, 1994 in which a RAL Russian Air Lines Airbus A310-304 passenger airliner, registration F-OGQS, operating on behalf of Aeroflot, crashed into a hillside in Siberia. Much as the lightbulb distracted the crew of the Eastern Airlines jet, the presence of children in the cockpit distracted the crew of Aeroflot flight 593, as they excitedly answered the questions continuously fired off by the inquisitive Yana Kudrinskaya. 593 593 1994 323 A310-304 [1] 593 [ ] [2] A310-304 F-OGQS 1739 75 Steve has vast experience in writing about Saudi rules, regulations, guides, and procedures. I havent seen the instrument! said Piskaryov. As the plane climbed steeply, their airspeed dropped precipitously. The story is oft repeated, usually with missing or distorted details, as primary sources are few practically every retelling ultimately draws on the limited information contained in the MAKs unusually short 22-page final report, which does not quite clarify all of our most burning questions. By the time the rescuers secured the site, it was clear that none of the 75 passengers and crew had survived. Aeroflot plane crash: 41 killed on Russian jet 6 May 2019 Passengers used emergency exit slides to escape Forty-one people died after a Russian plane made an emergency landing and burst into. 1998-2022 INDIADOTCOM DIGITAL PRIVATE LIMITED, All rights reserved. Unsure why the plane wasnt reacting, Piskaryov turned back to the right to gauge the response. Among these were free or deeply discounted tickets for pilots families, providing the wives and children of A310 crewmembers with a unique opportunity to see the world at a time when most Russians could not. This triggered a series of events that led to the plane crashing, killing 63 passengers and 12 crew members. A New Hampshire man who crashed his Cessna 310 on New Year's Day in 2011, killing his daughter, . Eldar immediately placed his hands on the control column. On the 21st episode of PCPC, Michael and Tess focus on Aeroflot Flight 593, a scheduled flight from Sheremetyevo International Airport in Moscow to Kai Tak Airport in Hong Kong, on the night of March 23rd 1994. It is said that most of the passengers onboard were businessmen from Hong Kong and Taiwan who were traveling for business opportunities in Russia. On 21 October 2016 Skol Airlines Flight 9375 crashed in Yamalo-Nenets on the Yamal Peninsula in Siberia Russia. After about eight seconds, by which time the plane had reached 21 degrees of left bank, Kudrinsky reached for the heading knob again, and turned it back to the right. This indication is similar to those shown when in aholding pattern, where a 180-degree turn is required to remain in a stable position. The g-forces increase, making it difficult for Kudrinsky to return to his seat. Kudrinsky wanted to step in to help, but he had to get Eldar out of his seat first, which was initially impossible due to the G-forces. The aircraft climbs almost vertically, and then starts to stall. Also read:Travelling to Thailand? Aeroflot Flight 593 was a flight from Sheremetyevo International Airport, Moscow, to Kai Tak Airport in Hong Kong. Flight from Miami to Kailua-Kona. The pilot when realized that the plane had lost control, overcorrected it. Applying between 11 and 13 kilograms of roll force to the control column would disconnect the autopilots lateral channel, while a similar amount of force applied forward or backward would disconnect the vertical (pitch) channel, allowing a pilot to take control instantly without having to fight against a malfunctioning autopilot, and without having to waste time reaching for the autopilot disconnect button either. The Russian Airlines branding seems to have been even less permanent, and primary sources are often contradictory about the nature and even the name of the subdivision. $158. But what could be done to prevent otherwise competent pilots from making such gross errors of judgment? The state-run flag carrier Aeroflot, which had once owned and operated every civilian airplane in the USSR, was broken up into its constituent parts and sold off to private owners, leaving only a core fleet of long-haul aircraft flying mainly international routes. The autopilots still-active vertical channel, which had been set to hold an altitude of 10,100 meters, reacted by pitching the nose up and increasing engine thrust. Like many other autopilots on Western aircraft but unlike those on Soviet models the A310 autopilots lateral and vertical channels could each disconnect independently under specific circumstances, without affecting the other. The feedback force on the control column relaxed until it disappeared. The pilots, who had previously flown Soviet-designed planes that had audible warning signals, apparently failed to notice it. Everything is okay! Kudrinsky yelled. Samtliga 75 ombord ddades. SpiceJet announces six flights to Bangkok from March 10. DNA: 'Soft corner' for China in Rahul's heart? Once the pilots regained control, they attempted to pull out of the dive. When the MAK released its findings in November 1994, proving that children in the cockpit had caused the crash, the reputation of Aeroflot was severely damaged. In the end, the MAK could not deny the obvious. ago And sometimes, while a plane still sits on the ground, a pilot may even invite youngsters into the cockpit for a quick tour or photo. Although some accounts insinuate that Kudrinsky was trying to give her a convincing illusion of control, it appears his actions were merely demonstrative, as he explained what he was doing throughout the maneuver. Episode 121: Aeroflot Flight 593 October 6, 2022 Summary: Many children who fly for the first time have dreamed of meeting the pilots of their flight. Okay [sobbing] Full power!
2365 '''Piskaryov:''' Speed is very high2367 '''Kudrinsky:''' High, is it?2368 '''Piskaryov:''' Yes, isn't it?2369 '''Kudrinsky:''' I switched it off2371 '''Piskaryov:''' We're coming out, coming out!2377 '''Kudrinsky:''' Done2382 '''Piskaryov:''' Gently! In response to the autopilots inputs, the control column turned to the left beneath Yanas hands, giving her a simulation of what it might feel like to fly the plane. Given time, Kudrinsky might have noticed the problem and told Eldar to either let go or turn the other way, but at that moment Yana started plying him with questions again, so he turned his attention to his daughter. How to claim lost baggage from Saudi Airlines. Unlike his sister, Eldar applied enough force to the control column to contradict the autopilot for 30 seconds. Aside from the emergency operations, which were effective, the official response to the crash was chaotic and disorganized. I can forgive the children, for they were innocent. All 63 passengers and 12 crew members perished in the accident. Although the organization is now known for verbose, detailed, and pointed reports, this was one of its first major investigations, and its skills were as yet untested. The pilots repeated unsuccessful attempts to regain control highlighted the importance of upset and recovery training, which teaches pilots to fly out of unusual aircraft attitudes. No evidence of a technical malfunction was found. Kudrinsky pumped the rudder back and forth, arresting the spin. In 1992, the special brand was allegedly launched under the name Russian Airlines, while Aeroflot as a whole was rebranded as Aeroflot Russian International Airlines, or ARIA a change meant to emphasize the airlines new role as a flag carrier, although ultimately the branding would not stick, as Aeroflot turned inward once more in the 2000s. A few other safety improvements were made, such as the inclusion of information about the partial disconnection of the autopilot during training for A310 pilots. Full power Piskaryov bellowed, and Kudrinsky jammed the throttles forward. 1,124 posts. Relief pilot Kudrinsky was taking his two children on their first international flight, and they were brought to thecockpitwhile he was on duty. Eldar was the first to notice a problem, when he observed that the plane wasbanking right. The aircraft, registration ZK-NEY, a de Havilland Canada DHC-8 Dash 8, was manufactured in Canada in 1986. Although they were still falling fast, some semblance of control was starting to return again. At that point, Kudrinsky switched the autopilots lateral channel back to NAV mode to resume their pre-planned track. You see the danger, no?2314 '''Piskaryov:''' Throttles to idle! Before long, the plane reached 30 degrees of bank, the normal in-flight maximum, and then kept right on going, approaching 45. Had he intervened six seconds earlier, he would have recovered easily, but in the event he was too late, and the plane begin to spiral uncontrollably inward. Kudrinsky again executed a successful spin recovery, but by the time the maneuver was complete, they had run out of altitude, and the plane struck the ground. Kudrinsky adjusted the autopilot's heading to give her the impression that she was turning the plane, though she actually had no control of the aircraft. Aeroflot Flight 1492 was a scheduled domestic passenger flight operated by Aeroflot from Moscow-Sheremetyevo to Murmansk, Russia. Aeroflot Flight 593 - Description of The Accident Description of The Accident The relief pilot, Yaroslav Kudrinsky (Russian: ), was taking his two children on their first international flight, and they were brought to the cockpit while he was on duty. Contribute to chinapedia/wikipedia.en development by creating an account on GitHub. As it accelerated into the turn, the G-forces on board the plane started to increase, pressing the occupants harder and harder into the floor. Youll only go to sleep in the first class cabin. Aeroflot is the flag carrier & largest airline in Russia Admiral_Cloudberg 5 yr. ago As always, if you spot a mistake or a misleading statement, point me in the right direction and I'll fix it immediately. Comments. We understand that he became caught up in the moment, propelled forward by pride and excitement, slowly making more and more dangerous decisions amid a fog of complacency. The autopilot, which no longer controlled the ailerons, used its other controls in order to compensate, pitching the nose up and increasing thrust; as a result the plane began tostall; the autopilot, unable to cope, disengaged completely. A pilot has been blamed for the deaths of 41 people in a crash landing at Moscow Airport earlier this year, Russian media said. ''The g-forces slightly decrease, enough for Eldar to get out of the captain's seat. When this is not done well, accidents happen. Accompanied by the off-duty pilot Makarov, Yana and Eldar entered the cockpit at their fathers invitation to see the advanced A310 for the first time.
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